CMC Introduces a Premium Quartz - Bianco Venatino


Desain Mutakhir & Teknologi Inovatif Untuk Dapur Menakjubkan


Mumbai, Juni 2021: Classic Marble Company (CMC) telah memperkenalkan produk kuarsa KalingaStone premium - Bianco Venatino. Lempengan kuarsa putih susu memiliki urat abu-abu halus di seluruh permukaan sehingga memberikan tampilan yang halus. Terinspirasi oleh desain mutakhir dan teknologi inovatif, the lempengan kuarsa untuk dapur sangat ideal untuk aplikasi countertop dan backsplash di dapur modern. Urat abu-abu yang hampir tidak jelas dan lembut mengalir melintasi lempengan kuarsa putih murni membuat dapur tampak sama lezatnya dengan kuliner yang akan ditampungnya. KalingaStone Quartz disertifikasi oleh NSF International sebagai permukaan yang aman untuk penanganan makanan. Bianco Venatino tidak berpori dengan tingkat penyerapan rendah sehingga kebal terhadap pewarnaan dan mudah dirawat. Penawaran baru dari CMC meningkatkan kecerdasan glamor dari dapur modern yang fungsional.


Bahan rekayasa, Lembaran kuarsa are extremely strong and hard, hygienic, non-porous, and popularly installed in applications that demand durability with aesthetics. The material is stain-resistant as well as is resistant to wear and tear including scratches. This minimizes the need for any special maintenance. Particularly in kitchens, Quartz slabs are an ideal choice since the stone does not corrode or discolor despite coming in direct contact with alkali or acids or other regular kitchen spills. It also is resistant to heat and cold making it a perfect candidate for kitchens.


The slabs can be made to desired shapes and sizes and are compatible applications for sink and hob fittings. The surfaces have perfect consistency in the shade, thickness, and texture. A fine-looking blend of décor and utility, the Bianco Venatino is a superlative choice for applications in contemporary kitchens. CMC is an environmentally conscious brand and ensures the use of healthier and non-toxic materials during manufacturing.


Company: Classic Marble Company

Brand: KalingaStone quartz

Product: Bianco Venatino

Specs: 315 X 145 cm / 325 X 165 cm

Thickness: 20mm & 30mm

Address: Classic Marble Company Pvt. Ltd.

15, Bhandup Village Road, Subhash Nagar, Bhandup (W), Mumbai 400078

Untuk info lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi: 91 22 4140 4140

Situs web: https://www.kalingastone.com/


Classic Marble Company (CMC) has introduced a premium KalingaStone quartz product - the Bianco Venatino.
